2024  16

April  1

Every Dunder Method  [draft]

April 3, 2024

March  1

Understanding Spectre: A Explainer on the Speculative Execution Vulnerability

March 25, 2024

February  11

Have to Check This Never

February 26, 2024

After 14 Years in the Industry I Still Find Programming Difficult

February 26, 2024

Encoding Floating Point Numbers To Shorter Integers  [draft]

February 26, 2024

The First Microcomputer

February 26, 2024

Correct Decimal to Floating Point Using Big Integers

February 26, 2024

Illustration Of The Key Concepts In Statistics And Signal Processing

February 26, 2024

Fabien Sanglard

February 26, 2024

Water Surface Shader for 2D Pixel Art Games

February 26, 2024

Srijan Paul

February 26, 2024

A History of the TTY

February 26, 2024

Gaussian Elimination

February 26, 2024

January  3

Flowblade an Opensource Video Editing Tool

January 17, 2024

Sound Events Detection

January 8, 2024

Tyler Hobbs’ essay on ‘Flow Fields’

January 3, 2024

2023  9

November  4

Pchord Training Tool

November 29, 2023

Git Mounter

November 29, 2023

Designing a SIMD Algorithm from Scratch

November 29, 2023

How To Enable A 64 Bit Visual Cpp Toolset On The Command Line

November 28, 2023

July  1

RDP Windows 11 with Microsoft Account MFA

July 12, 2023

May  1

Software Performance

May 28, 2023

February  1


February 2, 2023

January  2

A great way to feed OpenAI all your source code

January 16, 2023


January 16, 2023

2021  5

November  3

Cinder Climb

High throughput Fizz Buzz

November 15, 2021

Analyzing Japanese with Natural Language Processing and Go

November 15, 2021

October  2

Optimizations enabled by -ffast-math

October 21, 2021

PlayStation 3 Architecture

October 21, 2021

2019  2

December  1

Music recommendations. Nils Frahm and others

December 13, 2019

March  1

Markdown Syntax Guide

March 11, 2019

2018  12

June  6

Fibonacci Hashing: The Optimization that the World Forgot

June 19, 2018

Marching tetrahedra

June 19, 2018

Necessary-disorder tutorials

June 19, 2018

A French Demoscene Group

June 19, 2018

Alan Zucconi – passionate developer

June 19, 2018

The blog at the bottom of the sea

June 19, 2018

February  3

Utilities for archiving JPEGs for long term storage.

February 18, 2018

Embedded Programming Lesson 22: RTOS part-1

February 17, 2018

A Guide to Python Itertools

February 8, 2018

January  3

Code alignment issues.

January 22, 2018

ROP Emporium

January 8, 2018

Finding a CPU Design Bug in the Xbox360

January 8, 2018

2017  2

October  2

Elle – C++ core lib based on coroutines

October 26, 2017

Introduction to C++ Metaprogramming

October 26, 2017

2015  26

September  2

Tracking Reference Operator (C++ Component Extensions)

September 4, 2015

Sometimes a bug is hit only after code was executed 100 trillion times

September 4, 2015

August  2

paxos consensus protocol

August 27, 2015


August 24, 2015

June  1

Damian Zaremba – ClueBot – wikipedia

June 25, 2015

May  2

Gamasutra – In-Depth: Static Code Analysis

May 28, 2015

To write great code you must first read great code – our reading list || Hackership blog

May 28, 2015

April  5


April 27, 2015

how to center in CSS

April 20, 2015

Understanding Python SQLAlchemy’s Session | Python Central

April 17, 2015

New optimizations for X86 in upcoming GCC 5.0: PIC in 32 bit mode. | Intel(R) Developer Zone

April 15, 2015

Understanding glibc malloc | sploitFN

April 6, 2015

March  4

GitHub · Build software better, together.

March 31, 2015

Circles Sines and Signals – Euler’s Formula

March 31, 2015

LDT: Linux driver template for newbies | TuxDiary

March 15, 2015

I do not know C

March 4, 2015

February  8

marching wooden toys

February 26, 2015

lock free – poprawic sprawdzic ocenic itd

February 24, 2015

References for “The Future of Programming”

February 18, 2015

Precise 3D mapping and visualization of wifi signal strength inside 1ft³

February 14, 2015

A Software Engineer’s Adventures In Learning Mathematics

February 5, 2015

You Have No Idea What Happened

February 5, 2015

Some disasters caused by numerical errors

February 2, 2015

Syntax across languages

February 2, 2015

January  2

Leciało w trójce i było ciekawe

January 28, 2015

Maze generator – 13 bytes

January 28, 2015

2014  52

December  2

Programming and Programming Languages

December 15, 2014

Make Your Program Slower With Threads

December 8, 2014

November  6

God’s Lonely Programmer

November 26, 2014

CERN Open Data Portal

November 23, 2014

Are Your Cache-Control Directives Doing What They Are Supposed to Do?

November 22, 2014

The empirical evidence that types affect productivity and correctness

November 13, 2014

Pulling JPEGs out of thin air

November 9, 2014

Internet Of Things – ThingSpeak

November 1, 2014

October  2

Linki powiązane: 300+ Dokumentów poszerzających nasz horyzont – Wykop.pl

October 16, 2014

DMTCP distributed multithreaded checkpointing

October 5, 2014

September  2

Understanding Hybrid Concurrency Models

September 13, 2014

Papers to read – papers we love

September 2, 2014

August  9

[lang] JavaScript Guide – JavaScript

August 27, 2014

Algorytm Raft – wybór lidera i replikacja

August 27, 2014

visualising data structures and algorithms through animation

August 21, 2014

Linux Performance

August 21, 2014

Ftrace: The hidden light switch

August 21, 2014

The blog of Fabian “ryg” Giesen

August 19, 2014

Javascript mixins, delegates, forwarders

August 19, 2014

Most tricky/useful commands for gdb debugger

August 10, 2014

Presentation – Native code performance on modern CPUs

August 10, 2014

July  2

moduł RF zigbee

July 14, 2014

The Purpose of memory_order_consume in C++11

July 10, 2014

June  1

The Old New Thing – Site Home – MSDN Blogs

June 27, 2014

May  3

Logika wielowartościowa

May 11, 2014

ack documentation grep replacement for programmers

May 7, 2014

Gynvael Coldwind Michał Składnikiewicz

May 5, 2014

February  11

Why kernel space sucks

February 27, 2014

In depth explanation of Spinlock, Semaphore, Mutex

February 27, 2014

Linux Burps !: Linux Kernel Synchronization Primitives

February 24, 2014

Difference between SoftIRQs and Tasklets – Stack Overflow

February 24, 2014

KLDPWiki: Soft Irqs And Tasklets

February 24, 2014

Are We Shooting Ourselves in the Foot with Stack Overflow

February 19, 2014

lukego/ljsyscall · GitHub

February 18, 2014

FIQ Handlers in the ARM Linux Kernel

February 9, 2014

Ex. 10 measuring jitter and latency

February 9, 2014

Ftrace – eLinux.org

February 9, 2014

antirez/sds · GitHub

February 7, 2014

January  14

Ciekawe linki

January 23, 2014

Asciiflow – ASCII Flow Diagram Tool

January 19, 2014

Delegat na sterydach c++

January 14, 2014

Zmiana rozmiaru partycji, gparted i ew. problemy

January 14, 2014

Dokumenty poszerzające zrozumienie wszystkiego

January 11, 2014

Vector2D 3D

January 8, 2014

Site for the Geometric Tools source code for real-time computer graphics and physics, mathematics, geometry, numerical analysis, and image analysis

January 8, 2014

Dobry zbiór informacji z okolic demosceny

January 8, 2014

Porównanie kompilatorów intel vs gcc w kontekście wektoryzacji kodu

January 3, 2014

systemy rozproszone

January 3, 2014

How Misaligning Data Can Increase Performance 12x by Reducing Cache Misses

January 3, 2014

Solone hasła – jak to robić dobrze

January 2, 2014

Optymalizacja struktur z klasą instrumentującą do raportów

January 2, 2014

Czytelne wskaźniki na funkcje C/C++

January 2, 2014

2013  8

December  8

Bannalia: trivial notes on themes diverse: Objects, slots, functors, duality Perfect forwarding

December 29, 2013

C++11 Concurrency – Bartosz Milewski

December 29, 2013

The Language of Concurrency – 50 minutowy wyklad Bartosza Milewskiego

December 29, 2013

The Downfall of Imperative Programming – FP Complete

December 29, 2013

Własna implementacja kontenera typu wektor

December 28, 2013

Introduction to UNIX Signals and System Calls

December 28, 2013

Eli Bendersky’s website » Adding bash completion for your own tools – an example for pss

December 28, 2013

Free computer forensic tools

December 28, 2013

2012  11

August  2

Pakowanie struktur w C

August 23, 2012

std::async pod ubuntu

August 23, 2012

April  9

Elixir pod pypy

April 18, 2012

C++ AMP Open Specification

April 18, 2012

TransactionalMemory – GCC Wiki

April 18, 2012

The View from Aristeia: std::string, SSO, and Move Semantics

April 18, 2012

C++11 thread_local Performance And Use For Legacy Code Upgrade | Nerds Central

April 18, 2012

Introduction to Lock-free Programming with C++ and Qt

April 18, 2012

Push Framework

April 18, 2012

TestCoverage – Martin Fowler

April 18, 2012

Memory efficient way to store strings in hash maps using boost::array | Jovislab dev blog

April 18, 2012

2011  2

October  2

nvidia cuda

October 28, 2011

Aptana, pyCharm

October 28, 2011